How to Defeat Pensieve Guardian Boss Fight on Hard Difficulty During Charles Rookwood’s Trial


Hello everyone. Here is a guide on how to defeat the Pensieve Guardian boss fight on hard difficulty in Hogwarts Legacy. You’ll meet this boss during “Charles Rookwood’s Trial” quest. This guardian is quite similar to the one you encountered during “Percival Rackham’s Trial” quest. However, it has some additional mechanics, which makes it more challenging.

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There are certain talents that are recommended to have an easier time during this fight. Here is the list of them:

  • Basic Cast Mastery – This talent will reduce the cooldown of your spell each time you hit an enemy with Basic Cast.
  • Wiggenweld Potency I and II – Since the enemies on hard difficulty are dealing quite a lot of damage, these two talents will help you recover most of your health each time you take damage.
  • Evasion Absorption – During the fight, you will often use dodge, so this talent will increase a bit of your Ancient Magic meter each time you successfully dodge roll.
  • Disarming Curse – If you don’t mind using the Dark Arts, this talent will curse the Boss every time you use Expelliarmus. This will allow you to deal increased damage for a period of time with your spells and Basic Cast.
  • Enduring Curse – With this talent, you won’t need to reapply the curse effect often. It is not completely necessary, but can make things easier for you.
  • Maxima Potion Potency – This talent is amazing for any Boss Fight. It will significantly increase your damage, especially when you use Ancient Magic to make the Boss vulnerable to your attacks and spells.
  • Stupefy Expertise (if you are level 22) – Since you will use Protego to block some of the Boss’ attacks, you can get free damage with follow-up Stupefy by having this talent.

Understanding this Boss’ moveset is the key to defeating it on hard difficulty. Here is the list of moves you’ll encounter during this Boss fight and the best way to deal with them.

Pensieve Guardian will often use its stomp attack. This will send a force shockwave at you, and is indicated by the Boss raising one of its legs. The red circle will also appear around your character’s head when this happens. Simply dodge this attack, and you’ll easily avoid it.

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The stomp attack is sometimes followed by a magic projectile that can be dodged or blocked using Protego. You’ll notice a yellow circle appearing around your character’s head. When this happens, use Protego and counterattack with Stupefy (if you have Stupefy Expertise talent).

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Pensieve Guardian can also summon a magical orb that will slowly start charging up. Unless you interrupt it, the orb will be launched at you, which will inflict a lot of damage. The way to deal with this attack is to use a spell that corresponds to the orb’s color. For example, if the orb is yellow, use any Control-type spell, such as Levioso. If the orb is purple, use any Force-type spell, like Accio. This will cause the orb to explode and stagger the Boss for a short period of time.

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Once you take half of Pensieve Guardian’s health, it will gain another attack. The Boss will occasionally swing its flail at you, which will be indicated by the attack animation and a yellow circle appearing around your character’s head. The best way to deal with this ability is to quickly cast Protego to shield yourself.

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In order to make quick work of this Boss, you can fully fill up your Ancient Magic Meter and then drink a Maxima Potion (if you have Maxima Potion Potency talent). After that, you should hit the Boss with Ancient Magic, which will stun it for a short period of time and make it vulnerable to all damage. During this time, hit the Pensieve Guardian with your most damaging spells, such as Expelliarmus, and Glacius+Confringo combo. Repeat this process a few times, and you’ll defeat the Boss in no time.

Hopefully, this guide will help you defeat the Pensieve Guardian Boss. Thank you for reading and see you soon with more guides for Hogwarts Legacy.