McGongall’s Honour



Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for McGongall’s Honour Adventure of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. This adventure is available for students of Year 2 and it should unlock after reaching Chapter 1 of Year 2. Embark on an exciting adventure with your friends as you delve into the world of magic at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

In this quest, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the remarkable talents of Professor McGonagall, who is being featured in a prominent magazine for her extraordinary magical abilities. Eager to uncover the extent of her talent, you and your friends set out on a mission to learn more.

However, as you delve deeper into your investigation, you may find yourself facing unexpected challenges and discovering secrets that could change everything. Join forces with your friends, but be wary not to let curiosity lead you astray. Prepare for an enchanting journey filled with mystery, magic, and the thrill of discovery!


Chapter Summary:

  • Task 1: Discover New Information!
    • Location: The Great Hall
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice 1: Tell Penny if you think Professor McGonagall deserves to be honored
      • Yes, she’s quite powerful: +5 Empathy
      • No, she’s overrated: +5 Courage
    • Choice 2: Reply to Merula
      • I could see that (Your Empathy level): +10 Empathy
      • You’re delusional: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 2: Test McGonagall’s Skills
    • Location: Transfiguration Classroom
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice 1: Tell Professor McGonagall if her transfiguration is impressive enough for you
      • That was brilliant: +5 Empathy
      • Pretty disappointing, honestly: +5 Courage
    • Choice 2: Choose whether to laugh at Merula or comfort her
      • Laugh at Merula: +5 Knowledge
      • Comfort Merula: +5 Empathy
  • Task 3: Test McGonagall’s Knowledge
    • Location: Library
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 3/5 stars
    • Choice 1: Answer to Professor McGonagalls first question
      • Department of Magical Transportation: +5 Empathy
      • Department of International Magical Cooperation: +5 Courage
      • Department of Magical Maladies: +10 Knowledge
    • Choice 2: Answer to Professor McGonagalls second question
      • Castelobruxo: +10 Empathy
      • Beauxbatons: +5 Courage
      • Uagadou: +5 Knowledge
    • Choice 3: Answer to Professor McGonagalls third question
      • 1474: +10 Courage
      • 1748: +5 Empathy
      • 1984: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 4: Help Penny
    • Location: Training Grounds
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Choose whether you will blame Merula or defend her
      • Blame Merula: +5 Courage
      • Stay quiet: +5 Knowledge
      • Cover for Merula: +5 Empathy
  • Task 5: Review McGonagall’s Powers
    • Location: The Great Hall
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Choose whether you shut Merula down or feed her ego
      • Shut Merula down: +5 Knowledge
      • Feed her ego (Your Courage – 1): +10 Courage
  • Chapter Rewards: 2 Gems, 2 Chocolate Frogs, and 500 Experience Points
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Proceed to the Great Hall when you are ready. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say. When you arrive, Penny will say she’s glad to see you and add that she has a surprise for everyone.

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Penny will say that it’s something exciting she discovered about one of your professors, and you’ll all be curious to hear what it is.

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To learn Penny’s surprise, you need to earn five stars within three hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start it with a full energy bar.

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The bonus progress actions are tied to Penny. Prioritize these actions to save some energy. 

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You’ll find out that Penny’s surprise is that the latest issue of Witch Weekly has an article honoring one of your professors.

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You’ll be curious about which professor it is, and Penny will tell you that it’s an article honoring Professor McGonagall because she was incredibly accomplished. Following that, Penny will ask you if Professor McGonagall deserves to be honored. There are two different options to choose from. These options will influence some dialogue that will follow, but they won’t impact the story.

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Following that, Merula will confidently say that one day she’ll be on the cover of Witch Weekly. There are two options to choose from. If you like Merula, it is recommended to pick the first option.

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Merula will add that there’s no denying that Professor McGonagall is powerful, but she’ll say she’s sure the professor has limits to her power. You won’t agree with her, and you’ll say that your professor might even be one of the most accomplished witches you know.

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This line will differ based on your previous choice. 

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Merula will say she can’t wait to see what Professor McGonagall can do.

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Then you’ll suggest that you go to the Transfiguration class because it’s starting soon and because it’s a perfect opportunity to test Professor McGonagall.

Go to the Transfiguration Classroom to continue the story. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say. Merula will say it’s time to find out how powerful Professor McGonagall truly is.

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This line will differ based on your previous choice. 

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Your conversation will be interrupted by the professor, who will say it’s time for the Transfiguration lesson.

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However, you will interrupt the professor and say that you just want to congratulate her on her article in Witches Weekly. She will thank you and add that it is nice to be recognized, but she does not like to be praised.

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Professor McGonagall will say that flattery won’t get you anywhere, and you’ll say it’s not just flattery, you genuinely want to see how talented she is. However, Professor McGonagall will say that Transfiguration class isn’t the place to prove her powers to you. Then, she’ll tell you to prepare for a special lesson.

To complete the next task, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start it with a full energy bar.

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Bonus progress actions are tied to Corey and your character. Prioritize these actions to save some energy.

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The professor will say she hopes you’re all paying attention, but you’ll say that it was just a regular old classroom lesson and that you’d like to see her perform something really impressive.

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Professor McGonagall will gladly accept your challenge and demonstrate an impressive transfiguration for you.

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Impressive trick, isn’t it?

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Following that, she’ll ask you if that’s impressive enough for you. There are two options to choose from. If you like Professor McGonagall, it is recommended to pick the first option.

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These lines will differ based on your previous choice. 

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Merula will tell the professor that she can keep up with her, and the professor will say she’s welcome to try. Following that, Merula will perform the transfiguration. She’ll at least try to do it, but unsuccessfully; her wand will backfire, and she’ll suddenly end up with a pig’s snout.

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This will make all the students in the classroom laugh.

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Merula will be very upset and ask you if you’re also going to laugh at her like the other classmates. There are two options to choose from. If you like Merula, it is recommended to pick the first option.

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In any case, Professor McGonagall will tell Merula to stay after class to sort out her mishap. Merula will say she has no problem admitting that the professor is good at Transfiguration. You’ll suggest testing another aspect of Professor McGonagall’s skills outside the Transfiguration Classroom. 

Additionally, Merula will mention that the article said that Professor McGonagall worked for the Ministry of Magic in the Magical Law Enforcement Department and that she was also a Hatstall, adding that it took forever for her to be sorted and that she was nearly a Ravenclaw.

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You’ll agree to test Professor McGonagall’s knowledge of the wizarding world together and decide to meet in the Library to quiz her.

Proceed to the Library when you are ready. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say. When you arrive there, it will be strange for you that Merula arrived before you after her pig nose accident.

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Merula will add that there’s no doubt the professor is very skilled, and you’ll say that now you’ll find out how much she knows about the wizarding world at large.

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At that moment, Professor McGonagall will approach you.

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Professor McGonagall will say she welcomes the opportunity to provide you with additional lessons outside the classroom. You’ll tell her that you know she has a very broad knowledge of Transfiguration and then you’ll ask her about her expertise regarding the wizarding world outside the walls of Hogwarts. 

She’ll gladly agree to tell you what she knows and will caution you to listen carefully because she’ll ask you about it later.

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To complete the next task, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. Three stars are required to pass.

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The bonus progress actions are tied to Corey. Prioritize these actions to save some energy.

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When you finish, you’ll see that Professor McGonagall knows a lot about various subjects, and she’ll say that she didn’t share her knowledge to boast but for you to pay attention and learn something new. Following that, she’ll ask you a question. The correct answer is “Department of Magical Maladies”.

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Shortly after, she will ask you what the wizarding school in the Amazon rainforest is called. The correct answer is “Castelobruxo”.

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Next, she will ask you in which year Gringotts was established. The correct answer is “1474”.

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This line will differ based on whether you answered the questions correctly.

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She’ll say she’s done with the quiz, and you’ll thank her for taking the time for you. Then she’ll return to her professorial duties, and you’ll stay to discuss further.

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Merula will still be determined to find something the professor isn’t good at and then hastily leave. You’ll remain concerned because you know Merula’s ideas can go very wrong.

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In the meantime, you’ll receive an owl from Penny urging you to come urgently to the Training Grounds because something terrible has happened. So, head there when you’re ready. When you arrive, you’ll ask Penny what’s wrong, and she’ll reply that something terrible has happened.

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She’ll explain to you that the whole plan was for Merula to test the professor’s flying skills by pretending she was in danger and asking if the professor could save her. However, unfortunately, her plan backfired, and now she’s in real danger.

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At that moment, you’ll decisively mount your broom and embark on a rescue mission to help Merula.

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Merula will barely dodge the Bludgers to avoid being hit, but unfortunately, she will fall off her broom.

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Fortunately, Professor McGonagall will appear just in time to save Merula.

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You’ll realize that Professor McGonagall can’t land because the Bludgers are following them, so you’ll decide to redirect them to allow her to land safely with Merula. To redirect the Bludgers, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start it with a full energy bar.

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The bonus progress actions are tied to your character. Prioritize these actions to save some energy. 

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Two Bludgers will start to pursue you, and you’ll swiftly direct them back into their case with Penny’s assistance.

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Professor McGonagall and Merula will safely land on the ground, and the professor will commend you for your actions.

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Professor McGonagall will say that she received an anonymous letter to come to the Training Grounds, not knowing what to expect, so she hurriedly came. She’ll then tell you that she suspects there’s more to this story and ask you what you think. There are three options to choose from. If you like Merula, it is recommended to pick the third option.

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In any case, you’ll say that you didn’t intend to cause any trouble. Nonetheless, Professor McGonagall will be disturbed by your reckless behavior and then leave. Merula will still be disappointed that you didn’t get to see all of the professor’s abilities.

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However, you’ll tell her that you know more than she thinks, and suggest that you regroup in the Great Hall to discuss what you learned about Professor McGonagall.

Go to the Great Hall to continue the story. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say. When you arrive, Penny will tell you that she was just catching everyone up on what happened at the Training Grounds.

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Merula will say confidently that her plan worked as intended, and you’ll tell her that she certainly put Professor McGonagall’s skills to the test, but she also put her own life at risk. This line will differ based on your previous choice. 

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Merula will say that the professor has shown she’s powerful, but she’s not convinced that Professor McGonagall is as powerful as everyone thinks. This line will differ based on your previous choice.

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Then you’ll decide to convince Merula that Professor McGonagall is deserving of the Witch Weekly article. To complete the next task, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start it with a full energy bar.

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Bonus progress actions are tied to Ben, Penny, and your character. Prioritize these actions to save some energy. 

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You’ll say that Professor McGonagall is brilliant at Transfigurations and that she knows loads about the wizarding world too.

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Eventually, you will successfully convince Merula that Professor McGonagall is incredibly powerful. However, he will add that the professor’s talent will fail, saying that she uses her powers for good.

She will say that she is so powerful like Professor that she will make sure everyone knows and fears her, but until then she will have to settle for being the most powerful witch in Hogwarts, excluding the professors. There are two different options to choose from. These options will influence some dialogue that will follow, but they won’t impact the story.

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At that moment, Professor McGonagall will appear and say that she came to check on Merula after her incident, adding that she can see that Merula has returned to her normal state.

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Professor McGonagall will add that she knew the Witch Weekly article would be a point of discussion, but she didn’t realize how far it would go. She’ll mention that it seems to have motivated all of you to become better-educated witches and wizards. This line will differ based on your previous choice.

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You’ll thank Professor McGonagall, and she’ll thank you for helping her save Merula, adding that she has a feeling that you’ll be featured in a respected publication someday.

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McGongall’s Honour Adventure will come to an end. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will receive 2 Gems, 2 Chocolate Frogs, and 500 Experience Points. You will also receive a Witch Weekly tappie.

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Professor McGonagall has demonstrated her truly powerful nature and readiness to do whatever it takes to protect her students. Your quick thinking, along with hers, saved Merula, who was careless in her actions. This situation once again highlighted the professor’s skills and lovely qualities. Through her dedication and care for her students, she has shown herself to be a true pillar and inspiration for everyone at Hogwarts.

Thank you for reading.