Dueling Deathday Parties Part 4



Hello everyone, welcome to Part 4 of our Walkthrough for Duelling Deathday Parties Adventure of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. During the previous part, Nearly Headless Nick asked for your help to find the perfect venue for his Deathday party. After considering the options, you suggested the Training Grounds.

Unfortunately, Madam Hooch was against the idea, but she helped you figure out the next best option, the dungeons. Nick was pretty content with having his party in the dungeons, so that matter was settled.

Later on, after having a conversation with Merula and you, he made a decision to sabotage Erling’s Deathday feast, and he asked both of you to help him with it. You went to the Great Hall and successfully froze Erling’s feast, but before you could leave the hall, Professor Sprout arrived, shocked to see what you’ve done.

Once you start this part, Nearly Headless Nick will ask you to meet with him in the Courtyard. Proceed there when you are ready.


Part 4 Summary:

  • Task 1: Speak with Nick
    • Location: Clocktower Courtyard
    • Requirements:
      • Year 2-3: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
      • Year 4+: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Nick your opinion about his punishment
      • That seems appropriate: +5 Empathy
      • I think you got off light: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 2: Accompany Myrtle
    • Location: East Towers – Corridors
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Reassure Myrtle
      • Everybody gets cold feet sometimes: +5 Courage
      • Perhaps a little bit foolish: +5 Knowledge
      • You’re great because you told me about it (Your Empathy level -1): +10 Empathy
  • Task 3: Go to the Party
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: West Towers – Corridor
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Advise Nick on what to do
      • Wrap it up early: +5 Courage
      • Keep to the schedule: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 4: Talk with The Friar
    • Location: Clocktower Courtyard
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Choose with who to negotiate
      • Appeal to Erling: +5 Empathy
      • Appeal to Sir Nicholas: +5 Empathy
  • Task 5: Attend the Party
    • Location: Dungeons – Death Day Ballroom
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Professor Sprout what you’ve learned
      • The more, the merrier: +5 Empathy
      • Two parties are harder than one: +5 Courage
      • We shouldn’t make snap judgements: +5 Knowledge
  • Part 4 Rewards: Death Day outfit + hairstyle, 4 Gems, 3 Chocolate Frogs, 1000 Experience Points
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Video guide for this chapter is available at our YouTube channel. Use the button below.

Disclaimer: This walkthrough will feature the gameplay from the perspective of a Year 2 student. Since the adventure is available for students of Year 2 and above, the star and attribute requirements for certain tasks might be different for you, depending on your current progress of the main story.

When you arrive, Merula will be quick to blame you for what happened. The choice you made during the previous part will take effect here.

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Moments later, Nearly Headless Nick will arrive, saying he needs to talk to you and Merula. You will ask him if everything is all right.

Sir Nicholas will say that he managed to come to an agreement with Professor Sprout. He also promised her he would talk to Merula and you about what you did in the Great Hall.

Talking to Nick requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass for Year 2-3 students. All five stars are required to pass for Year 4+ students.

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There are bonus progress actions linked to Merula and Nearly Headless Nick. Prioritize those if you want to save as much energy as possible.

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By the looks of it, neither you nor Merula will get any further punishment for what you did. Apparently, Nick took the full blame for everything.

Unfortunately, he had to agree to send all of the food that was planned for his Deathday party to Erling’s party. Needless to say, the whole prank was a complete failure.

Sir Nicholas will ask if you think he got the appropriate punishment. There are two options to pick from. This choice won’t have any major impact on the story, so feel free to pick either option.

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Apparently, Nick was not aware that Professor Sprout was helping with food preparation for both parties.

The Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts won’t seem to care about that. Sir Nicholas, on the other hand, will feel terribly sorry for everything.

He will ask you and Merula to forgive him.

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You will ask him if he’ll still carry on with his plans for the party. He won’t really be sure about it.

Suddenly, Erling the Great will arrive. Nearly Headless Nick won’t be too happy to see his rival.

Erling will be quite satisfied with the recent turn of events.

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This will motivate Nearly Headless Nick to proceed with the plans for his Deathday party. He will ask you to make sure that Myrtle is ready.

Head to the East Towers Corridor to meet with her. Upon arriving, you won’t be able to see Myrtle anywhere. You’ll quickly look around and try calling her name.

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Moments later, she will reply. You’ll tell her that Nick’s party should be starting soon. Unfortunately, Myrtle won’t be interested in going anymore.

You will be curious to know why she had a sudden change of heart. She’ll say that the other ghosts don’t want her there.

As it seems, you’ll have to convince her to attend the party. Doing so requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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There are actions with bonus progress linked to Myrtle and your character, which should make completing this task slightly easier.

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You will say a few more words of encouragement once you’re done.

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Suddenly, Myrtle will appear behind you, ready to go to Nick’s Deathday party. She’ll apologize for getting cold feet.

There are three options to reply with. This choice won’t have any big impact on the story, so feel free to go with the option you prefer.

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Myrtle will then thank you for being so kind and encouraging her to attend the party. Soon enough, you’ll decide to go to Sir Nicholas’s Deathday party.

Unfortunately, Nick hasn’t completed all of the preparations just yet, and it will take him around three hours to do so. Since you’re probably low on energy at this point, it is recommended to wait and let your energy recharge in the meantime.

Proceed to the West Towers Corridor once the waiting time is over. You’ll be surprised to see Sir Nicholas standing alone in the corridor.

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He will be very happy to see you and Myrtle arrive at his Deathday party. She will thank him for inviting her.

Nick will ask to have a word with you in private. Thankfully, Myrtle won’t mind it. You’ll promise her it won’t take long.

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Shortly after, Nearly Headless Nick will admit that the party isn’t exactly what he expected it to be. You’ll ask him to tell you about it.

This requires earning five stars within three hours. Since all five stars are needed to pass, avoid starting the task with an empty energy bar.

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There are bonus progress actions linked to your character and Sir Nicholas. This should make the task slightly easier to complete.

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Nearly Headless Nick will sum up the problem in one sentence.

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You’ll try your best to lift his spirits. Unfortunately, he will be sad about not having the Deathday party he wished for. Nick will still blame Erling for all of it.

You’ll remind him that his guests are probably wondering where he is. He will admit that he doesn’t wish to bore his guests since many of them would probably like to attend Erling’s party.

He will ask if you think he should wrap up the party earlier. There are two options to choose from. This choice won’t have any big impact on the story, so feel free to pick either option.

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Moments later, the Fat Friar will arrive, asking to have a word with you and Nick. Proceed to the Courtyard when you are ready to talk with the Friar.

Once you arrive, you will notice that Erling is there as well. Needless to say, neither he nor Nick will be happy to see each other.

You’ll quickly try to calm them down.

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As it seems, the Friar had the best intentions. He wanted to see if the evening can still be salvaged.

He will point out some things to both of his friends. He’ll tell Nick he can see that his party isn’t making him happy. He will turn to Erling and say that almost nothing is set up appropriately for his party.

The Friar will ask them to set aside their pride and find a way to make everyone happy.

He’ll then turn to you and ask for your help. You can choose whether you want to appeal to Erling or Sir Nicholas. Other than the slight dialogue difference, this choice won’t have any other impact on the story, so feel free to pick the option you prefer.

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In the end, both of them will agree to bring the parties together. Still, there are some details to be polished.

Figuring out how to combine the parties requires earning five stars within three hours. All five stars are needed to pass, which is why it is not recommended to start this task if your energy bar is low.

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There are actions with bonus progress tied to Erling the Great and your character. Focus on those if you want to save as much energy as possible.

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The plan will be fairly simple. The Fat Friar and Erling will help the guests move to Nick’s party.

In the meantime, Sir Nicholas and you will start making space in order to have enough room for everyone.

The Fat Friar will be overjoyed by this turn of events.

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Nearly Headless Nick will apologize to Erling for his behavior. As for Erling the Great, he’ll also apologize to Sir Nicholas for being difficult to deal with.

You’ll remind them that there’s a lot of work to be done to combine the parties and all of the guests are waiting.

Shortly after, both of them will leave to do what’s necessary.

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The Fat Friar will thank you for everything you’ve done. After all, both Erling and Sir Nicholas are his friends, and he was placed in a very uncomfortable situation.

Thankfully, you were there to help him bring them together. You’ll suggest celebrating once everyone is together in the same room.

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Proceed to the Death Day Ballroom when you are ready to attend the party.

Once you arrive, you will notice that the place looks spectacularly spooky. You will be able to interact with some of the ghosts and see what they have to say.

Nearly Headless Nick will say that this is exactly the party he was hoping for.

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He will express his sincere gratitude to you. The Fat Friar will say that you deserve to enjoy the party and have some fun after everything you’ve done.

Moments later, you will spot Myrtle nearby. She will approach you and say she was afraid you weren’t going to show up.

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She will then ask you to introduce her to some of your friends.

This requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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There are bonus progress actions linked to Erling the Great, Myrtle, and some of the dancing ghosts. Prioritizing these should save you some energy.

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Myrtle will be very glad you convinced her to attend the party. You’ll thank her for inviting you as her guest.

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Shortly after, Professor Sprout will arrive and she’ll want to have a word with you. Thankfully, Myrtle won’t mind it.

As it appears, the Friar told Professor Sprout you helped him sort things out with Sir Nicholas and Erling the Great. You’ll cheekily smile and say you might’ve had a few words with them.

Professor Sprout will ask you what’s the most important thing you’ve learned from this. There are three options to choose from. Each option will lead to the same outcome, so feel free to pick whichever option you prefer.

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She will be glad to hear you’ve learned something from this experience.

If took the blame during the previous part and lost the House Points as a result, the Professor will gladly restore them.

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Needless to say, you will be very thankful for that.

She’ll admit she’s not a fan of pranks, but she was willing to overlook your little mischief since you played a huge part in getting Sir Nick and Erling to set aside their differences.

Moments later, Myrtle will come back, eager to have a dance with you. Both of you will get on the dancefloor.

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What follows is an adorable scene in which you and Myrtle are dancing together.

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This will mark the end of Part 4 of Duelling Deathday Parties adventure. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will receive 4 Gems, 3 Chocolate Frogs, and 1000 Experience points.

You will earn the achievement for completing the adventure.

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You will also get a special Deathday-themed outfit.

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Now, that was the adventure worth remembering. You helped Nearly Headless Nick organize his party, and you managed to convince both him and Erling the Great to put their differences aside and bring their parties together. And you also had the chance to attend the party with Myrtle.

Thank you for reading and see you soon with more exciting adventures!