Chapter 9 – Wizards unite



Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Nine of Year Two of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. In the previous chapter, you visited Bill in the Hospital Wing. Thankfully, he managed to recover from the cursed ice without any lasting consequences.

And not just that, he was eager and willing to help you with opening the cursed vault and breaking the curse once and for all. Also, your friends agreed to assist you with this, so you helped them prepare for the upcoming adventure.


Chapter Summary:

  • Lesson: Porcupine to Pin Cushion
    • Location: Transfiguration Classroom
    • Unlock: 9 Transfiguration stars
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
  • Task 1: Plan your attack
    • Location: Clocktower Courtyard
    • Requirements: None
    • Choice 1: Reassure Hagrid
      • We’ll help them (12 Courage): +10 Courage
      • They’ll be fine: +5 Knowledge
    • Choice 2: Answer Bill who you wish to bring with you
      • Rowan Khanna (Level 3): +5 Knowledge, -50 House Points during the next Chapter
      • Penny Haywood (Level 3): +5 Empathy, -50 House Points during the next Chapter
      • Ben Cooper (Level 3): +5 Courage
  • Task 2: Meet with the friend you choose
    • Questions and Answers (Ben)
      • Why me? – You’re a great friend, Ben. (Empathy)
      • No one else believes in me… – All of our friends believe in you. (Courage)
      • The vault will be dangerous… – We’ll protect each other. (Empathy)
      • I might get frozen again… – We won’t let that happen. (Knowledge)
      • Can we break the curse? – I know we can. (Courage)
      • I’m still worried … – We can do this, Ben. (Courage)
    • Questions and Answers (Penny)
      • Why me? – You’re the bravest witch I know. (Courage)
      • What about the cursed ice? – We’ll cast Incendio. (Knowledge)
      • What’s inside the vault? – We’ll all find out together. (Empathy)
      • What about Bill Weasley? – We both need your help. (Knowledge)
      • What about getting caught? – We’ll watch out for each other. (Courage)
      • I’m still not sure, … – We can do this, Penny. (Courage)
    • Questions and Answers (Rowan)
      • Why me? – You’re my best friend, Rowan. (Empathy)
      • I almost died last time… – Bill and I will protect you. (Courage)
      • I just left the hospital wing… – You won’t have to go back. (Courage)
      • What about Bill Weasley? – We both need your help. (Empathy)
      • Do you have a plan for the ice attacks? – We’ll cast Incendio. (Knowledge)
      • I’m still not sure, … – Bill and I need you, Rowan. (Knowledge)
    • Choice (Ben): Explain your choice to Ben
      • You’re brave (11 Empathy): +10 Empathy
      • You’re powerful (Ben level 4): +5 Courage
      • You’re experienced: +5 Knowledge
    • Choice (Penny): Explain your choice to Penny
      • You’re brave: +5 Courage
      • You’re skillful (Penny level 4): +5 Knowledge
      • You’re popular (10 Empathy): +10 Empathy
    • Choice (Rowan): Explain your choice to Rowan
      • You’re smart: +5 Knowledge
      • You’re brave: +5 Courage
      • You’re my friend (10 Empathy): +10 Empathy
  • Chapter Rewards: 225 Coins and 500 Experience Points
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Video guide for this chapter is available at our YouTube channel. Use the button below.

Now is the time to continue where you left off. It is recommended that you start the chapter by doing the lessons part first. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Transfiguration classroom.

Unlocking Porcupine to Pin Cushion lesson will require you to earn a total of nine stars from Transfiguration classes. One of the easiest ways to do it is by completing three three-hour classes. If, however, you want to get some additional attribute and house points, you should go for two eight-hour classes instead. Select the class duration you prefer and hit the Start button to begin.

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As always, complete actions by tapping on the glowing objects in order to fill up the star meter and earn stars. Prioritize bonus progress actions (actions with the highest cost) if you want to save some energy. 

Also, try to successfully complete mini-tasks after earning each star since those will award you with Knowledge points.

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When you are done, hit the Collect button to claim your rewards and continue. After you earn a total of nine stars, Porcupine to Pin Cushion lesson will be unlocked, so head back to the Transfiguration Classroom.

To complete this lesson, you need to earn five stars within three hours. Since all five stars are required to pass, it is not recommended to start this lesson if your energy bar is empty.

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There isn’t much difference between this lesson and regular classes. Simply follow the same steps and you’ll be done before you know it.

After you obtain the fifth star, you’ll be tasked with casting the spell. Trace the wand movement on the screen to successfully turn your porcupine into a pin cushion.

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Congratulation! You’ve completed the last Transfiguration lesson for this year. You can collect the reward in the Transfiguration section of your Hogwarts Record.

Now that the lessons are out of the way, you can continue the story. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Courtyard.

On the way there, you will encounter Hagrid. He’ll inform you that the cursed ice is spreading throughout Hogwarts rapidly and that the professors are doing everything in their power to stop it.

He’ll even mention that Dumbledore is looking for a Curse-Breaker to help with the whole situation. You can respond to him in two different ways.

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The first option requires you to have level twelve Courage but is generally preferred since it awards you with ten attribute points. Afterward, continue to the Courtyard to meet with Bill.

Bill will ask where your other friends are. You’ll explain that they are at other parts of the castle because the cursed ice is spreading and professors can’t be everywhere. You, Bill, and one more student will enter the Cursed Vault.

You’ll have to choose one of your friends to accompany you to the cursed vault. The other two will help the professors deal with the cursed ice. This is an important choice. The reason for that is simple – if you select Ben, you will avoid getting a fifty house points penalty afterward. So, in case you are struggling with the house points, you might want to consider bringing Ben along.

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After that, you’ll decide to meet with a friend you selected for the adventure. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Great Hall.

Once you get there, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the students. Tap on those if you are interested to see what they have to say.

Once you do that, tap on the exclamation mark to initiate the conversation. After talking for a while, your friend will ask why you chose him/her for this adventure. You have three options to respond with.

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No matter which character you selected, there will always be one option that requires a certain attribute level. That one is preferred since it will give you ten attribute points, compared to five you would receive from the other two.

Regardless of the option you selected, it will take some more convincing to persuade your friend to join you. Tapping on the handshake icon will open the task window.

It will display the recommended attribute levels as well as the cost of starting it. Once you are ready, hit the Start button to begin.

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This task is almost identical to meal with a friend mini-game. The only noticeable difference is that you have six turns to complete it. Simply be friendly and try to explain to your friend that he/she is an essential part of the team and you should be able to complete the task in three or four turns.

Below are questions and answers for Ben:

  • Why me? – You’re a great friend, Ben. (Empathy)
  • No one else believes in me… – All of our friends believe in you. (Courage)
  • The vault will be dangerous… – We’ll protect each other. (Empathy)
  • I might get frozen again… – We won’t let that happen. (Knowledge)
  • Can we break the curse? – I know we can. (Courage)
  • I’m still worried … – We can do this, Ben. (Courage)

Below are questions and answers for Penny:

  • Why me? – You’re the bravest witch I know. (Courage)
  • What about the cursed ice? – We’ll cast Incendio. (Knowledge)
  • What’s inside the vault? – We’ll all find out together. (Empathy)
  • What about Bill Weasley? – We both need your help. (Knowledge)
  • What about getting caught? – We’ll watch out for each other. (Courage)
  • I’m still not sure, … – We can do this, Penny. (Courage)

Below are questions and answers for Rowan:

  • Why me? – You’re my best friend, Rowan. (Empathy)
  • I almost died last time… – Bill and I will protect you. (Courage)
  • I just left the hospital wing… – You won’t have to go back. (Courage)
  • What about Bill Weasley? – We both need your help. (Empathy)
  • Do you have a plan for the ice attacks? – We’ll cast Incendio. (Knowledge)
  • I’m still not sure, … – Bill and I need you, Rowan. (Knowledge)

Once you are done, you will earn some friendship experience with the friend you chose.

Your friend will agree to help you and Chapter 9 of Year 2 will come to an end. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will receive 225 Coins and 500 Experience points.

What will happen when you go into the Cursed Vault? Will you manage to break its curse? Find out in the next chapter of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery!

Thank you for reading.